DanceSyndrome has been commissioned to deliver our bespoke ‘Inclusion in Action’ workshops as part of a new national Foundation of Nursing Studies’ (FoNS) programme for inpatient Ward Managers who are working across mental health, learning disability and autism (MHLDA) services.
FoNS is a national charity which works directly with nurses and health and social care teams to develop and share innovative ways of improving practice, thereby enabling them to provide care that is high quality, evidence based and meets the needs of those receiving care and their families. They have been commissioned to deliver a Ward Manager Leadership Development Programme as part of NHS England’s MHLDA Inpatient Quality Transformation Programme.
The aim of the overall Quality Transformation programme is to create a new vision for inpatient services where people are treated with compassion, experience care that is safe and therapeutic, and the staff and people they support can flourish. Ward Managers are crucial to the development of cultures of care that impact positively on outcomes and experiences for patients, families, carers and staff. The aim of the FoNS-led programme is to enable MHLDA inpatient Ward Managers to develop their leadership practices to ensure that they can work collaboratively with others towards realising the Culture of Care Standards.
DanceSyndrome was chosen as one of the delivery partners for the Inpatient Mental Health Ward Manager Development Programme because of our co-production model which enables people with learning disabilities to work collaboratively in the design and delivery of workshops. ‘Inclusion in Action’ has been designed exclusively by DanceSyndrome’s team, based on knowledge and personal experience. Through the half-day sessions, participants will explore DanceSyndrome’s approach to inclusivity and consider barriers that people with learning disabilities may face and explore how they can break down some of these barriers in their own settings.
The 180 Ward Managers from across England who take part in the programme will learn through seven full day workshops spread over six months. A variety of learning approaches will be used including creativity, reflection and discussion to draw on Ward Managers’ experiences of work to enhance their knowledge, skills and confidence as leaders of culture change.
DanceSyndrome Managing Director Julie Nicholson said “We are delighted to have been chosen by FoNS to support with the co-production and co-delivery of this vital programme. Everyone at DanceSyndrome is proud of our inclusive approach to delivering development opportunities, and it is absolutely wonderful to be recognised by a pioneering organisation like FoNS. We can’t wait to start delivering these workshops and share our ‘Inclusion in Action’ learning!”
DanceSyndrome Trustee Peter Pamphlett is the Dance Leader who will be co-delivering on the project. He said, “I’m looking forward to co-delivering these workshops and travelling around the country to tell people about DanceSyndrome and our inclusive dance work. I have delivered a lot of training before, but this is a really big project for us and I’m very proud to be involved.”
If your organisation is interested in Leadership or Inclusion workshops, please visit the “Working Together” page of our website.