Dance Leader Jamie Montwill is stood at the back with his arms raised. Dance Leader Jodie Turner is in front of him. Jodie is a wheelchair user. Dance Artist Anna James is at the front with her arms raised to the sides.

DanceSyndrome’s Funding

DanceSyndrome would not exist without the generous financial support of a diverse range of grant funders and business sponsors who recognise that our work transcends the dance space to have a life-changing impact on individuals with and without learning disabilities, their families and local communities, many of who have never experienced true inclusion before.

We do all of this through our unique co-production model. To be successful, co-production needs a significant investment of time and providing the right level of support to achieve the best outcomes also comes at a cost. To co-deliver activities, you have at least double the delivery cost of only having a Dance Artist delivering. For performances and touring, people with learning disabilities often also need a parent or carer to travel and stay with them, meaning that a co-production can be a very expensive delivery model.

DanceSyndrome acknowledges that co-production is not always the easiest or most cost-effective delivery model, but our team passionately believes that it is always worth the investment of time and money because the impact is so significant and rewarding. The impact is not limited to people with learning disabilities, but also extends to their families, the professional Artists that they collaborate with and the audiences/participants who see co-production in action and consequently believe that society can be a more inclusive place in the future.

We would like to express our thanks to all of our funders for believing in and supporting our co-production model and helping to make the world a more inclusive place.

Organisations that have recently supported DanceSyndrome include…


National Lottery Community Fund

The words Lancashire County Council with a graphic of a red rose

The words Granada Foundation in grey

The words

The words

A picture of a ram and the words Preston City Council

A pale blue P and a brown H on a blue background with the words Peter Harrison Foundation in white

A purple box with the words The Henry Smith Charity written on in white text