Everybody Dance Workshops
DanceSyndrome has a unique approach to delivering inclusive dance workshops. We call the sessions “Everybody Dance” because our ethos is that there is no right or wrong way to move and there is beauty and significance in everybody’s movement.
All of our sessions use a co-delivery model where a person with a learning disability takes a visible leadership role as a “Dance Leader” working to co-produce and co-deliver workshops alongside a professional Dance Artist.
Dance Leaders are supported to complete DanceSyndrome’s unique “Dance By Example” leadership qualification (accredited by Leadership Skills Foundation) so that they have the skills needed to successfully co-deliver the sessions.
Everybody Dance sessions focus on the importance of the individuals participating in the session and allow each participant’s voice to be heard and ideas to be shared. . We encourage dancers to listen to their own bodies and explore:
- how we want to and are able to move
- respond to natural movement impulses
- push and challenge our habitual movement styles
- find moments of connection with others through dance.
Each workshop follows the same Everybody Dance model, but each session is truly unique and inspired by the interests and passions of the session’s co-leaders and the participants in the group.
If you would like to find a session that is suitable for you, please visit the Book a Session page.