Strategic Partnerships
Over the last few years, DanceSyndrome has developed several pioneering strategic partnerships and collaborations which underpin our strategy and explore innovative approaches to inclusivity and changing perceptions. Each strategic partnership shares the passion, mission and vision of DanceSyndrome and works with us to support, advocate, connect and increase our reach and influence to drive long term sustainable social change.
DanceSyndrome has several strategic alliances in the Learning Disability space. We are active members of Learning Disability England and Phab, and work closely with Down’s Syndrome Association, Mencap and Scope.
In the dance space, we are members of People Dancing, and connect and share learning with many other inclusive dance organisations: Stop Gap, Corali, Magpie Dance, Tin Arts, Anjali, Parable Dance and Cheshire Dance.
We proactively work with the following partners:
NHS England
NHS England have provided funding to support our Community Dance sessions with a focus on ensuring people with learning disabilities stay fit, active and healthy, supporting both physical and mental health and well-being.
In addition, NHS England have commissioned DanceSyndrome to produce a series of videos for NHS staff to learn and understand about the work of DanceSyndrome, and see and experience we co-deliver our sessions inclusively so they can promote our services and be active during the working day. (Read more and watch the videos on this link)
Furthermore, NHS England commissioned DanceSyndrome to produce a series of videos to promote Learning Disability Nursing as a career option.
Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust
Lancashire & South Cumbria Foundation Trust have a long-standing partnership which has enabled engagement with a wide range of stakeholders from practitioners working across the NHS to individuals with learning disabilities to support health & well-being and inclusion and to promote positive messaging. Together the partnership has also enabled the breaking down barriers and public perceptions of people with learning disabilities by profiling DanceSyndrome dancers as visible role models with a focus on ability, not disability, and flipping the narrative to one of positivity. With funding provided by LSCFT, DanceSyndrome has co-delivered a series of dance sessions to new audiences and performed at a wide variety of NHS events and conferences across Lancashire.
National Youth Ballet
DanceSyndrome and National Youth Ballet mutually support and champion each other’s work and share knowledge and learning, specifically around inclusive ballet practices. DanceSyndrome are part of the National Youth Ballet Steering Group for the ‘All In’ Inclusive Ballet Programme.
University of Central Lancashire (UCLAN)
DanceSyndrome has worked very closely with the UCLAN Dance Department for several years by offering placements and volunteer opportunities for students on the dance course and in return UCLAN offer free dance studio and theatre space for DanceSyndrome events and performances.
Edge Hill University
DanceSyndrome are a collaboration partner on the pioneering ‘Arts4Us’ Research Project 2024 – 2027: Working together to scale up place-based arts initiatives that support the mental health of children and young people aged 9-13′
Northern Rail
DanceSyndrome works with Northern Rail to do regular Train Station Takeovers whereby our dancers demonstrate leadership in action on train station concourses challenging public perceptions around people with learning disabilities. These events also enable DanceSyndrome to fundraise through bucket collections. The DanceSyndrome team have danced at Manchester Piccadilly, Manchester Victoria, Manchester Oxford Road, Manchester Airport and Blackpool North train stations. In addition, Northern have supported the travel to and from Train Station Takeovers by providing free travel passes for dancers and a parent or carer.
Department of Health & Social Care
Several senior staff from DHSC such as the Chief Nurse for Adult Social Care have witnessed and experience our work at first-hand and made several introductions for DanceSyndrome to key decision makers and influencers, directly addressed specific challenges faced by parents and carers and sought resolutions and made recommendations for significant high-profile awards for key DanceSyndrome employees such as the Silver Nurses Award which was awarded to our Artistic Director.