The DanceSyndrome team are incredibly grateful for having the opportunity to perform at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival 2017. It has been the trip of a lifetime for our dancers who have enjoyed every minute of their time at the festival. You can see the photos from the performance on the gallery page of the website and some videos are on YouTube.


It has been a dream come true for our dancers to make this trip, but we never could have dreamed of achieving this without the help of many dedicated supporters. We would like to express our thanks to the following people:


Our sponsors StormMeister Flood Protection, we are incredibly grateful for also being chosen as their charity of the year!


All donors who contributed to our 2017 fundraising campaign, which has covered all costs of the trip.


Our wonderful fundraising volunteers who have helped our fundraising campaign to be so much more of a success than we ever hoped it could be! Thank you to Olinda Auty, Malcolm Blackwell, Sue Blackwell, David Chambers, Rebecca Crompton, Mike Eccleston, Sean Eccleston, Steve Eccleston, Grace Endley, Sarah Evans, Noel Fagan, Tony Hardy, Claire Heron, James Hughes, Sarah Kennedy, Colin Mather, Kevin McKenna, Dan Redfearn, Louise Redfearn, Simon Rich, Claire Rich, Phillip Warburton Graham Wood and Victoria Woolcock. Special thanks must go to Kuits Solicitors for their support.


Special thanks to Razamataz Merchandise for providing DanceSyndrome’s branded clothing.


Thank you to Arts Council England for the funding to develop this performance in 2016.


Additional thanks to everyone who has worked on Orbit since it’s beginnings in 2016…, Rachel Liggitt, Natalie Kennedy, Jen Smith, Mel Paget, Aya Kobayashi, Adam Tickle, Robert John Baldwin, Tin Arts, Sarah Calderbank, Dawn Vickers, GS Pro Audio, Craig, Bernie and all the team at Plungington Community Centre and Caritas Care.


Finally, thank you to our audience members, families and friends whose continued support makes it possible for us to follow our dreams!


We are looking forward to our next challenge! Keep an eye on our Facebook and Twitter pages to find out what that will be!

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