Lizi started dancing at the age of 3 with Dimensions Dance School, in Oldham, where she lived. Dimensions are a large school who do annual shows at Middleton Arena – consisting of ballet, tap, jazz and modern dances. Lizi loves the shows because everyone has really glamorous costumes to dress up in!
When Lizi wanted a change at the age of 16, it was difficult to find a follow-on class that suited her. She tried various groups but found them boring. She joined a gym to keep fit and tried various classes including Zumba. Lizi discovered DanceSyndrome and it was exactly what she was looking for.
Lizi has been working with DanceSyndrome for since the early days of the charity and loves it. In 2015, she completed the Dance By Example training course, which enabled her to start co-leading her own weekly dance workshop in Accrington. The workshop has gone from strength to strength and Lizi has supported the participants to learn some performance pieces and they have performed to crowds as big as 300 people!
Lizi loves to perform and has taken part in many high profile performances with DanceSyndrome, including Enrich Festival, the Learning Disability and Autism Awards and trips to the Edinburgh Fringe Festival in both 2017 and 2018. She also enjoys performing at community events with the DStreet Crew street dancing team.
Lizi has also worked voluntarily at a local nursery and loved to dance with the children there. Her hobbies include ten pin bowling, cinema and badminton but she is also happy at home playing music and dancing to her heart’s content.
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