Peter Pamphlett aged 37 from Manchester started with DanceSyndrome in 2010 when Jen first advertised for dance leaders and dance artists to join her. At first he was apprehensive to join a new group of people and learn a new skill, he was not confident in communicating with others and was nervous about the prospect of travelling alone.
Having now been with DanceSyndrome for 5 years, Peter has gone from strength to strength. He has enjoyed learning new techniques and now feels confident to collaborate with others, whether it be meeting a new group or working towards a new dance piece with DanceSyndrome’s core company. Peter now communicates confidently delivering DanceSyndrome’s Dance by Example training course, supported by lead artist Sophie Tickle, as well as running many one off creative workshops across the NorthWest. Peter said “with my new found confidence I have gained an extended family and consider DanceSyndrome to be a major part of me being able to live independently.”