Craig Hartley

Craig HartleyDanceSyndrome supporter Craig Hartley has published his first novella “A Change of Views”. Craig has kindly offered to donate all proceeds from his book to DanceSyndrome!


“The Greek Gods used to be revered by the masses but in these modern times the people had forgotten about them. They needed a change… to move from Mount Olympus. Pan (god of the wild) suggests relocating to Pendle Hill in Lancashire, where they can hide in the frequent mists. A new day dawns for the gods and goddesses of Olympus!”


In A Change of Views, author Craig Anthony Hartley has created an atmospheric first novella. Craig is an accomplished poet, performer and now a novelist too, he also happens to have Down’s syndrome. In publishing this book, Craig demonstrates that disability doesn’t have to be a barrier to pursuing your dreams and ambitions! Proceeds from the sale of the book will be donated to DanceSyndrome, an inclusive arts charity that challenges perceptions of disability, instead focusing on people’s talents and abilities.


The book is available in Kindle and paperback formats from Amazon:

We are also excited that our own book DanceSyndrome: Living the Dream is also available on Amazon:


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