
Welcome to
the latest DanceSyndrome newsletter

In this newsletter we have lots of information to share about what is going on with #TeamDS.

We share details of another FREE Taster Day! There will be a short break in our online sessions for Easter along with more information about our plans for returning to face-to-face dancing in the coming months. We need to let you know about a change in our funding and how that is impacting on the fees we charge.

Our team have also been really busy for Down’s Syndrome Awareness week last week and we share some great fundraising stories. We are also including details about our weekly lottery which gives you the opportunity to win prizes while supporting our work.

Changes to session fees

As a small charity we were fortunate to secure grant funding during 2020 and as a result were able to offer free and subsidised dance sessions online. Now that funding has come to an end and from April 2021 our prices for online Zoom sessions will be increasing to £3.50 per person per session.

We are aiming to start outdoor dance sessions after 17th May at £10 per person per session. We are pleased to keep these sessions at the same price as last year.

We aim to return to indoor sessions again after 21st June.  We will be following the government guidelines to ensure a safe return to face to face sessions and will keep you all informed with our planning.

DanceSyndrome is committed to barrier removal and we want to enable people to attend all of our different sessions. We will support individuals for whom price increases may be a barrier to attending. For more information about our Barrier Removal Policy please contact Dawn Vickers on the details below.

For further details of forthcoming dance sessions and prices, please visit our website or email any questions or concerns to Dawn Vickers at

Thanks for your continued support.

Outdoor Dance

Lockdown Easing


We know you will be wondering about the return to face to face dancing and you will be pleased to know that Team DS is now planning for returning to some outdoor and indoor dance sessions in line with Government guidance.
At the present time, our plan is to return to outdoor dancing from Step 3 of the government roadmap, which at this time is expected to be from 17th May. Indoor dancing will start to return at Step 4 of the roadmap, which is expected to be from 21st June. We will open venues on a one by one basis to ensure that each session has been fully risk assessed and adapted as necessary.
We’ll keep you up to date on this as these dates are obviously subject to change.

 We will still keep online sessions going too for those who prefer to carry on with this. See below for a full list of online sessions. 


Becky Rich Talks About Her COVID Vaccine

Many of our dancers have contacted us to say that they have had their COVID-19 vaccine and that they feel proud that they are helping us all to get back to normal.

Becky Rich created a YouTube video to reassure people who were anxious about the vaccination process. You can watch it by clicking on the image below:

Becky talks about her Covid Vaccine

Free Taster Day

Free Taster Day! 

Join us for our FREE Zoom Taster Day on

Tuesday 30th March
10am and 1:30pm.

Try out as many of our different Zoom sessions as you like and choose which is right for you before new sessions start in April!

More information about how to sign up and what time each session is can be found here on our Taster Day Webpage

DanceSyndrome are offering live Zoom sessions
#CarryOnDancing in April


We’ve had a busy start to 2021, keeping everyone dancing through lockdown! Our dancers are going to take a short break for Easter for a week from 3rd April.

All of the following sessions will be returning on Zoom from
Saturday 10th April onwards.

Monday, Wednesday & Friday at 10am – Zoom Wake N Dance – A wake up dance session to get you moving in a morning! Sign up here!

Monday 11am – Zoom Contemporary Dance – Block of 6 Contemporary Dance sessions sign up now!

Monday 1pm – Zoom Street Dance  – Block of 6 Street Dance sessions sign up now!

Tuesday 2pm – Zoom Everybody Dance Please visit the Events page of our website and pick the date that you want to take part.

Tuesday 7pm – Funk Out on Zoom – Shake off the day with this funky dance session. Sign up here.

Thursday 10am – Free YouTube Everybody Dance (YouTube & Facebook)

Thursday 11am – Ballet – Block of 6 Ballet sessions. Sign up here.
Thursday 7pm – Zoom Rave with Bex & Dave – Spend 6 weeks learning a flashmob style routine then perform in front of a live Zoom audience! Sign up here.
Friday 11am – Musical Jazz – 6 sessions learning dance routines to your favourite songs from the musicals.
Saturday 10am – Junior Dance session for under 16sjoin here.Saturday 10:45am – Free infants Zoom dance session (for children only) – join here

If you would like to join in with the Zoom sessions, we would love to see some new faces. These sessions are open to everyone, you don’t need any previous experience but experienced dancers are welcome too! Our sessions are fully inclusive and can be adapted to meet your own needs.


The DanceSyndrome Team
We Like to Move It, Move It!


DanceSyndrome has always strived to prevent social isolation, but this year in lockdown has provided a whole new challenge.  Our team has worked hard to adapt our services to operate online and our dance sessions have become more of a lifeline than ever to the hundreds of adults with learning disabilities who join in every week.


People with learning disabilities have been disproportionately affected by lockdown and we face more challenges before we return to face-to-face dancing. We are running a fundraising campaign called “We like to Move It, Move It” to help us to keep everyone dancing.


We all need to keep moving during lockdown, why not fundraise while you do it? Whether it’s through sponsored dancing, walking, running or swimming, we need your help to continue to change the lives of people with learning disabilities through dance.


Your fundraising and donations will ensure that the people we support can stay connected, stay involved and stay well. To create a fundraiser or donate, please visit our Just Giving page.


Becky Rich Fundraising
Becky Rich has made an amazing start towards our goal of £10,000 with a personal boxing challenge. Her aim was to raise £1000 by throwing 1000 punches a day every day for the whole of Down’s Syndrome Awareness week! As with everything she does, she completed smashed it! You can see her current progress and sponsor her here: Becky Rich is fundraising for DanceSyndrome ( 


We’d also like to thank our Project Coordinator Vikki Boyd and her family who are also fundraising to raise £1,000 through a range of different activities.  You can see their progress and sponsor them here: Vikki Boyd is fundraising for DanceSyndrome (

DanceSyndrome Lottery

The DanceSyndrome Lottery gives you the chance to win £1,000 plus other cash prizes every week! It costs £1 per week to enter and you will be given 10 chances in the draw. If you want to increase your chances of winning you can have more than one entry.  

Ticket cost: £1 for 10 numbers
Draw Frequency: Every week
Win: Weekly £1000 cash first prize, plus 50 other cash prizes each week  

You don’t even need to check your numbers as we will do it for you!  

You can read more on the Lottery page of our website.

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